Discerning God’s Voice

by | May 7, 2019 | Intimacy With God, Prophecy

I have heard God’s voice in the most unexpected circumstances. You may laugh, but I often get a word while in the shower. Occasionally, I have been awakened at 4 a.m. with a strong urge to grab a pen and paper. Some of the most important words of my life have come in this fashion. We must discern when He is speaking and listen for the voice of Holy Spirit at all times.   

God is Speaking  

I want to establish two things that the prophetic moving of Holy Spirit centers on: hearing God’s voice and having God’s mind. First, God is speaking and His words are power. Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (John 14:25-26) Jesus never wrote a book that we know of. He often spoke in parables that were convoluted. Occasionally, He concealed His true identity as the Son of God. More often, He relied on one’s heart to lead. In response to Nicodemus’ inquiry on salvation, Jesus finally states, “You must be born of the Spirit.” (John 3:1-6) His expectation was that something would come alive inside the person as a response to hearing the truth. Jesus taught with the understanding that the Holy Spirit would fill in the gaps.  

Jesus had faith in the power of Holy Spirit to speak and so should we. Holy Spirit is powerful because He speaks at the deepest part of the person; to the soul. The sense of affirmation or caution that rises from inside us is most often Holy Spirit speaking. Don’t listen for words but for impressions and simply a “knowing.” Have enough faith to give expression to the impression. Faith pulls and transforms the impressions into a declaration and the word of God is made active. In this way, we speak the heart of God and creation responds. In this way the sick are healed, the lame walk and the dead are raised. All power springs from proper response to that voice.   

The Mind of Christ  

Second, God desires to impart His mind to us. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” (Romans 12:2) The most transformative aspect of salvation is the renewing of one’s mind. From this springs forth all fullness of the Spirit. Without the mind of Christ, we are void of any true power from heaven. The strength and power of Christ are displayed in the believer only to the degree in which they have conformed to the mind of Christ. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts…” (Isaiah 55:8-9)   

All of us have struggled with one sin or another. Freedom is only found in the person of Christ. Many people struggle with freedom and are saddled by guilt and shame. It’s only with a transformed mind that we can actually begin to think and live like royalty. Need to break a sin or overcome shame? Change your mind! You are a child of God and heir with Christ. You are His body and bride. Jesus takes pride in His church. He longs for a spotless bride who has no guilt of sin but is only fascinated with His beauty. Walk boldly bearing the identity of Christ. Let His thoughts, desires, and emotions fill your mind.   

The reason I bring up the mind of Christ is that, without His mind, we are unable to perceive or follow His voice as we ought. The fleshly mind scoffs at the word of God. What kind of person would find peace at the end of a spear?  Who would leave their family to evangelize a lost and remote people group? Only those who have seen and know Jesus. The reality of His existence is transformative enough to change a person, city, and nation. I have often said, “You will not overcome sin until you fully realize how ugly sin is and how abstrusely beauty Christ is.” A sinful life pales in comparison to the overwhelming peace of knowing Christ. Only in Him will you find freedom and peace for your soul.   

Defining the Voice  

Recently, I was listening to a popular Christian artist. I began to think on some very unflattering information that had recently come out about them when the Lord convicted me. Prophetically, I could see what looked like two ribbons coming from the radio. The first represented the music itself, and second represented the spiritual. As I began to focus on the second ribbon, I heard the Lord say, “These words are still true and I will speak through whomever I will. It is your job to listen to me, not to judge them.” The more I focused on the second ribbon, the more I felt and heard Holy Spirit. Beneath the music was an entire symphony of the supernatural that I had never seen before. It was not limited whatsoever by this performer’s failures. We miss so much by limiting how we hear God’s voice.  

God’s voice is not defined by what is conveying it. Let me explain. In scripture, the voice of God came is several unusual ways. It came in the stillness, a tornado, a dark thundering cloud, a burning bush, and even a donkey. We must learn to listen for His voice at all times. This is especially important now that Holy Spirit indwells us. 

God’s voice manifests in more than just words. He speaks through emotional stirring, faith, and impressions as well. In fact, we can become so intertwined with Holy Spirit that even His thoughts and feelings are constantly streaming to us. This is much more than conversational, He becomes joined to us emotionally and physiologically. Mentally, we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16) We are actually being emptied of ourselves and filled with God! “…It is not I who live but Christ who lives within me.” (Galatians 2:20) Likewise, we are commanded to “put to death” any aspect of our old sinful selves. (Colossians 3:5) Always seek to hear the Lord and follow His voice. When His voice speaks to a transformed mind, great acts of the divine are sure to follow!  

Pray this prayer with me. “Lord, remove my old, dead, and lifeless thoughts. Fill me with that which is fresh, living, and prophetic. Let your thoughts be my thoughts. Let what moves you move me. Let me love how you love. Give me the mind of Christ at all times. Open my ears to hear whenever you speak. I declare that the spirit of religion will not silence your voice in my life. In Jesus name open the heavens and speak! Amen!  

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