Heaven Now: A Word For 2020

Heaven Now: A Word For 2020

Heaven Now: A Word For 2020

As Brittany and I traveled to see family over the 2019 Thanksgiving break, I took the time to seek God about His heart for 2020. He has given me a simple but direct word for the past several years and I wanted to hear His heart for 2020. I have weighed and prayed into this word for a couple of months and feel increasingly that it is the heart of God for His church: not just this year, but for the next season of the church. As I listened, I heard the Lord say, “Heaven Now.” In my spirit, I sensed a longing from God to see His bride wake from her sleep and begin to walk in the greater things He has for them.

Heaven: This is what we in the church are longing for: an environment where sickness, heartache, bondage, burnout, and sin can not exist. It is a place where the manifest presence of God dwells and the evidence of His dwelling with us becomes apparent. Heaven Now denotes a closeness and intimacy with Christ that is a measure of heaven that can be known and experienced now. I testify to you, there is a measure of heaven that can be found at the feet of Jesus. This year is the beginning of a season in which we are being called to seek after and shepherd the calling of intimacy with Christ like never before.

Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses’ face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end, 8 will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory? 9 For if there was glory in the ministry of condemnation, the ministry of righteousness must far exceed it in glory. 10 Indeed, in this case, what once had glory has come to have no glory at all, because of the glory that surpasses it. 11 For if what was being brought to an end came with glory, much more will what is permanent have glory. 12 Since we have such a hope, we are very bold, 13 not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end…17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:7-12,17-18

Heaven Now Means Revival

We are in the early phases of another great awakening that will result in a great exodus from corporate religion. From the Carolina revival to Bethel, this revival is returning us to the fundamental, unfiltered truths of Christ and the Bible. It is a shunning of the religious-pharisaical spirit that has incapacitated the church. No longer is God satisfied with His people blindly falling prey to the enemy. He is raising up leaders who will unashamedly walk away from their place of comfortability into a place of intimacy. God is calling us to trade our degrees for decrees. Instead of operating in the strength of skill, there is an army moving in waves of the glory.

A few years ago while in a time of prayer, the Lord took me up in the Spirit. He showed me the region where I lived. Like a map, I could see the southeast United States. On the dark backdrop, I could clearly see a few flickering flames. The Lord said to me, “These are those who are pursuing my presence and crying out for revival at this moment.” In all, it appeared to be only about 15 lights that I could see. The Lord then took me higher so as to see the entire nation. I could now see about 50 bright flames on the black backdrop. I recall thinking that there were so few and spread out, but to the Lord, they were beautifully contrasted against the dark background. These were the ones interceding for their cities and country. It is these flames that are igniting the revival that is now starting to burn. This is only one of several visions I have had concerning the revival that I see now coming upon those who are hungry.

This is a revival of the intercessors: those who intimately pursue the heart of the Father. It will not rest on a man or ministry but will burn in the people. This revival fire is a correcting fire that will restore the strength of the church. The closer we are to the feet of Jesus, the brighter the fire will burn. Isaiah 60:1-3 states, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” As our nation seems to grow darker, God is increasing the light of His people. I know with complete certainty that God is breaking open revival in our land. The headwaters of revival have begun to flow. 

 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it…” Amos 9:13

Since January, our church has experienced an unprecedented outpouring of glory, Spiritual gifts, and intimacy with Christ. Most in our group have a background in traditionally non-Pentecostal movements or no church history at all. I have been amazed at their hunger and eagerness to receive this great outpouring of Holy Spirit. It has become common for people after only attending only once or twice to be filled with the baptism of Holy Spirit with tongues. One young lady immediately began to move prophetically and laying hands on others. Her words sounded like they came from a seasoned minister. Mind you, she had never even witnessed the gifts of the Spirit in this way and within 15 minutes she was prophesying. I have to admit that I was struck with amazement and excitement. I am reminded of a prophecy from Bob Jones that there would be an acceleration of the prophetic clock.

This is a season of accelerated movements of Holy Spirit

God is moving swiftly to bring about a change in His church. He will no longer will He be defined by the dead religion that has strangled revivals of the past. This is a move straight out of God ‘s own heart. He has moved the fire of revival out of the building and into the home. More than ever, this is a revival of the people. God is looking for modern-day Obed-Edoms who He can trust with the ark of His presence. It is only in intimacy that He is pouring out His presence. His church will arise and become what it was always meant to be! We will walk in greater things as Jesus foretold. We will see signs and wonders. We will see manifestations of Heaven in our homes.

Pray until waves of hunger become waves of glory.

Over the coming days and weeks, I will release a series of posts that will continue to define “Heaven Now.” I encourage you to begin to press into the presence. Pray until waves of hunger become waves of glory. Start spending time daily in the word and take time to adore Christ. I pray that the atmosphere of heaven would fill your home, your car, and your workplace. Everywhere you go, allow the glory of His presence to go with you. A historic season of unprecedented access is upon us. Press into it!

“Jesus stood up and cried out, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7:37-38

Winds of Change

Winds of Change

Winds of Change

Sunday, June 30th marked the end of the first half of 2019. God spoke to me back in January 2019 that this would be a year of revival. So far, we have seen an increase of presence in our midst, but not what I would consider full-on revival. One thing God has had me do this year is to teach on Holy Spirit and worship. I believe that this focus, and this word, is a key to the revival that He is releasing. The word that God has given me affects not only us, but you as well.    

For the past few weeks, God has been speaking to me that the second half of this year would be important. Many have prophesied about what 2020 would bring for the body of Christ. With that in mind, God is using 2019 as a year of preparation and revival. We will not enter into the fullness of God’s plan for 2020 if we fail to prepare. I believe that the remainder of this year will be like a springboard for 2020. Below is what God spoke to me this past Sunday regarding the rest of 2019.  

As we opened the service in prayer, I sensed the presence of God fill the room. Instead of moving into worship, I felt led to stay in prayer. The Lord told us to focus on His presence. As we did that, there was a message given out by Holy Spirit and interpreted. The message spoke of a change that is coming. Specifically, Holy Spirit spoke of a “wind of change” that He is bringing. He said, “My Spirit speaks a better word.”  

I began to see a vision of two angels coming into the room. Their wings were outspread and I could visibly see the wind of the Spirit covering their wings. The Lord said to me, “This is a wind of change. I am bringing it now. Tomorrow begins the second half of the year. It will be a new season for you as I am bringing about this change even now.”  

A Change is Here

Holy Spirit impressed on me that He was changing everything about us, and everything about how we approach Him. For too long, our relationship with God has been defined by (and contained to) Sunday Mornings. Much of what happens on Sundays is actually religion, not worship. Like when Jesus came to the temple in Jerusalem, I believe He is equally disappointed in what we have done with this sacred time of worship and Sabbath. Prepare for “church” to be much more centered on intimacy rather than procedure. In this season, a greater glory will be seen, but it will not be found cheaply or without pursuit. True corporate worship is being birthed. There is becoming less of a differentiation between public and private worship. Moves of God will begin in the closet and explode in the open. That which we discover in private will be shouted from the rooftops.

God is bringing a “Wind of Change” to His church and to our lives. This will affect our private spiritual life more than anything. God desires a spotless bride that is not given to anything but His presence. He is calling us out of the distractions and sin that have been stealing our progress. No more will these ungodly habits rule over you. Genuineness will mark His bride. A wind of change has arrived! 



Like someone pulling back the roof during our service, the wind of God’s Spirit began to restore and heal. As we pressed in, I could hear Holy Spirit speaking the word “renewal.” The Lord reminded me of the message He had spoken earlier, “My Spirit speaks a better word.” I want to encourage you: no matter what you have been going through, how you have messed up, or whatever darkness you have faced, God speaks a better Word! Scripture states, “…Jesus, (is) the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.” (Hebrews 12:24) All fear, doubt, and shame must bow to His words. No devil in hell can overrule what the Lord is saying. Right now, declare that God’s word is better. Tune your ears to hear His words. 

This wind of change is not something that is coming in the future, it is already here. I hear the Lord saying, “This renewal is the revival that I have spoken of. The wind of change will bring about revival through the restoration and renewal of all things. Even now the winds of heaven have shifted.” That which Holy Spirit has declared will come to pass. A shift has been ordained amongst the heavens and angels are being dispatched with the winds of change on their wings.


A New Season

The weight of glory caused me to weep. I could actually feel the temperature shift in the room. The Lord was showing us that the season had shifted so dramatically and suddenly, we could feel it physically. I have felt shifts before but this was different. This was the most tangible change I have ever encountered, especially in a group setting. Several began to sense this presence as many began to weep and kneel in prayer.  

The Lord spoke to me, “Look around the room. Even now my wind is changing lives.” As I looked, I witnessed one accepting Christ for the first time. Those who were distracted began to worship. Not one person in the house was left unaffected. The wind was so strong that it became restorative and I felt a breath of fresh air fill the room. The mood shifted to light and airy, like stepping outside on a beautiful cool day. Burdens were visibly lifting and the change was tangible.  

I have no doubt that the winds of change have now moved us into a new season. The rest of 2019 will be a time of preparation, revival, and renewal. We no longer have time to waste. The time to focus and to set your face is here. Those who catch this wind will be renewed and will experience the power of an open heaven. A new season is upon us! Begin to walk in a new anointing. Seek after God until you also sense this shift. Holy Spirit has spoken a better word and the winds of change are here!

God says, “My Plan is Bigger!”

God says, “My Plan is Bigger!”

God says, “My Plan is Bigger!”

If you have been experiencing an increase in struggles lately, this word is for you. It seems as though every time God gives a fresh word; it is met by a fight. We know this is a tactic of the enemy. Let me encourage you, God is not defined by the battle. He has already won the war!

To those of you who have been asking “why” and questing His response, I hear God saying, “Do not be led away from the place of intimacy because of hurt or brokenness. I know your struggle and have heard your prayers. My plan is bigger!”

We so easily get burdened down by the day-to-day struggles and hurts of life. Walking in victory can be tough when you have recently gone through a traumatic situation. But, pain is a normal part of life. We will experience sickness and loss and our loved ones will too. Grief will come; but our testimony must be, “God’s plan is bigger!’ In scripture, it was not uncommon for God’s people to experience tremendous pain and loss. From Job to Jeremiah to Jesus Himself, they all encountered hurt. Like them, we must never allow a situation to define our view of God. If we are not careful, that pain will sink in and steal your intimacy with God.

I am reminded of a message by Bill Johnson where he recounted the days following his father’s death. Bill received a strong impression to worship from Holy Spirit. He was perplexed by this seemly insensitive and out of place request. After all, who would be in a mood for worship following the death of a loved one? Holy Spirit simply responded, “Once you are in heaven, you will never be able to worship me through grief or loss. Let the grief season your worship. For the rest of eternity, you will never be able to give me this form of worship.”

What we often do not always see, is Holy Spirit’s desire to join with us in the pain. God desires to be intimately close to us in every aspect of our life. Even in grief, He is longing to share His heart with you. Like a loving father, God longs to wipe your tears and embrace you with His presence. Sometimes all we need is a shoulder to cry on, and Holy Spirit is the best at giving a comforting embrace.


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Discerning God’s Voice

Discerning God’s Voice

Discerning God’s Voice

I have heard God’s voice in the most unexpected circumstances. You may laugh, but I often get a word while in the shower. Occasionally, I have been awakened at 4 a.m. with a strong urge to grab a pen and paper. Some of the most important words of my life have come in this fashion. We must discern when He is speaking and listen for the voice of Holy Spirit at all times.   

God is Speaking  

I want to establish two things that the prophetic moving of Holy Spirit centers on: hearing God’s voice and having God’s mind. First, God is speaking and His words are power. Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (John 14:25-26) Jesus never wrote a book that we know of. He often spoke in parables that were convoluted. Occasionally, He concealed His true identity as the Son of God. More often, He relied on one’s heart to lead. In response to Nicodemus’ inquiry on salvation, Jesus finally states, “You must be born of the Spirit.” (John 3:1-6) His expectation was that something would come alive inside the person as a response to hearing the truth. Jesus taught with the understanding that the Holy Spirit would fill in the gaps.  

Jesus had faith in the power of Holy Spirit to speak and so should we. Holy Spirit is powerful because He speaks at the deepest part of the person; to the soul. The sense of affirmation or caution that rises from inside us is most often Holy Spirit speaking. Don’t listen for words but for impressions and simply a “knowing.” Have enough faith to give expression to the impression. Faith pulls and transforms the impressions into a declaration and the word of God is made active. In this way, we speak the heart of God and creation responds. In this way the sick are healed, the lame walk and the dead are raised. All power springs from proper response to that voice.   

The Mind of Christ  

Second, God desires to impart His mind to us. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” (Romans 12:2) The most transformative aspect of salvation is the renewing of one’s mind. From this springs forth all fullness of the Spirit. Without the mind of Christ, we are void of any true power from heaven. The strength and power of Christ are displayed in the believer only to the degree in which they have conformed to the mind of Christ. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts…” (Isaiah 55:8-9)   

All of us have struggled with one sin or another. Freedom is only found in the person of Christ. Many people struggle with freedom and are saddled by guilt and shame. It’s only with a transformed mind that we can actually begin to think and live like royalty. Need to break a sin or overcome shame? Change your mind! You are a child of God and heir with Christ. You are His body and bride. Jesus takes pride in His church. He longs for a spotless bride who has no guilt of sin but is only fascinated with His beauty. Walk boldly bearing the identity of Christ. Let His thoughts, desires, and emotions fill your mind.   

The reason I bring up the mind of Christ is that, without His mind, we are unable to perceive or follow His voice as we ought. The fleshly mind scoffs at the word of God. What kind of person would find peace at the end of a spear?  Who would leave their family to evangelize a lost and remote people group? Only those who have seen and know Jesus. The reality of His existence is transformative enough to change a person, city, and nation. I have often said, “You will not overcome sin until you fully realize how ugly sin is and how abstrusely beauty Christ is.” A sinful life pales in comparison to the overwhelming peace of knowing Christ. Only in Him will you find freedom and peace for your soul.   

Defining the Voice  

Recently, I was listening to a popular Christian artist. I began to think on some very unflattering information that had recently come out about them when the Lord convicted me. Prophetically, I could see what looked like two ribbons coming from the radio. The first represented the music itself, and second represented the spiritual. As I began to focus on the second ribbon, I heard the Lord say, “These words are still true and I will speak through whomever I will. It is your job to listen to me, not to judge them.” The more I focused on the second ribbon, the more I felt and heard Holy Spirit. Beneath the music was an entire symphony of the supernatural that I had never seen before. It was not limited whatsoever by this performer’s failures. We miss so much by limiting how we hear God’s voice.  

God’s voice is not defined by what is conveying it. Let me explain. In scripture, the voice of God came is several unusual ways. It came in the stillness, a tornado, a dark thundering cloud, a burning bush, and even a donkey. We must learn to listen for His voice at all times. This is especially important now that Holy Spirit indwells us. 

God’s voice manifests in more than just words. He speaks through emotional stirring, faith, and impressions as well. In fact, we can become so intertwined with Holy Spirit that even His thoughts and feelings are constantly streaming to us. This is much more than conversational, He becomes joined to us emotionally and physiologically. Mentally, we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16) We are actually being emptied of ourselves and filled with God! “…It is not I who live but Christ who lives within me.” (Galatians 2:20) Likewise, we are commanded to “put to death” any aspect of our old sinful selves. (Colossians 3:5) Always seek to hear the Lord and follow His voice. When His voice speaks to a transformed mind, great acts of the divine are sure to follow!  

Pray this prayer with me. “Lord, remove my old, dead, and lifeless thoughts. Fill me with that which is fresh, living, and prophetic. Let your thoughts be my thoughts. Let what moves you move me. Let me love how you love. Give me the mind of Christ at all times. Open my ears to hear whenever you speak. I declare that the spirit of religion will not silence your voice in my life. In Jesus name open the heavens and speak! Amen!