God says, “My Plan is Bigger!”

by | May 29, 2019 | Prophecy

If you have been experiencing an increase in struggles lately, this word is for you. It seems as though every time God gives a fresh word; it is met by a fight. We know this is a tactic of the enemy. Let me encourage you, God is not defined by the battle. He has already won the war!

To those of you who have been asking “why” and questing His response, I hear God saying, “Do not be led away from the place of intimacy because of hurt or brokenness. I know your struggle and have heard your prayers. My plan is bigger!”

We so easily get burdened down by the day-to-day struggles and hurts of life. Walking in victory can be tough when you have recently gone through a traumatic situation. But, pain is a normal part of life. We will experience sickness and loss and our loved ones will too. Grief will come; but our testimony must be, “God’s plan is bigger!’ In scripture, it was not uncommon for God’s people to experience tremendous pain and loss. From Job to Jeremiah to Jesus Himself, they all encountered hurt. Like them, we must never allow a situation to define our view of God. If we are not careful, that pain will sink in and steal your intimacy with God.

I am reminded of a message by Bill Johnson where he recounted the days following his father’s death. Bill received a strong impression to worship from Holy Spirit. He was perplexed by this seemly insensitive and out of place request. After all, who would be in a mood for worship following the death of a loved one? Holy Spirit simply responded, “Once you are in heaven, you will never be able to worship me through grief or loss. Let the grief season your worship. For the rest of eternity, you will never be able to give me this form of worship.”

What we often do not always see, is Holy Spirit’s desire to join with us in the pain. God desires to be intimately close to us in every aspect of our life. Even in grief, He is longing to share His heart with you. Like a loving father, God longs to wipe your tears and embrace you with His presence. Sometimes all we need is a shoulder to cry on, and Holy Spirit is the best at giving a comforting embrace.


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

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